POS Charges List (Cheapest POS Charges In Nigeria)

cheapest POS charges in nigeria.jpg

last Updated on January 14, 2024

Different POS companies in Nigeria have different charges, but here’s a POS charges list. This contains the cheapest POS charges in Nigeria.

Cheapest POS Charges In Nigeria (POS Charges List)

1. Bankly POS Charges


The Bankly POS machine costs start from N15000. You’ll be refunded N10,000 if the machine is returned in good condition within a year.

The Bankly POS Machine charges:

  • 0.3% on every withdrawal
  • flat rate of N35 on all transfers.
  • N3 Naira for every N1,000 Naira
  • N20 Naira for every deposit

2. Moniepoint POS Charges List

moniepoint pos machine

Moniepoint POS Machine charges 0.5% of the transaction amount. For transactions above 20,000 Naira a flat rate charge of N20 for transfers.

3. Kolomoni POS Machine

Kolomoni POS Machine (charges 0.5% on withdrawals from N1000 to N19, 900. N30 fee for transfer of N2000 and above)

4. Opay POS Charges List

opay pos machine

Opay POS Machine charges 0.6% for withdrawals below N20,000 and a flat rate charge of N120 for withdrawals from N20,000 above.

5. Kudi POS Charges List

nomba kudi pos machine terminal

Kudi POS Machine Charges N25 for transactions from 100 – 4,500 and charges 0.6% for every transaction between 4,501 and 25,000. And a flat rate of N150 for transactions above N500,000; and charge a N150 Naira flat fee for above 500,000 Naira.

6. GTBank POS Charges

gtbank pos machine - Pos buiness

GTBank POS Machine (Charges 0.75 as POS routine maintenance).

7. First Bank POS Charges

Firstbank POS or FirstMonie charges are:

  • ₦50 for transactions Below ₦1 – ₦5,000
  • ₦100 for transactions Below ₦5,001 – ₦30,000
  • ₦150 for transactions Below ₦30,001 – ₦100,000
  • ₦200 for transactions Below ₦100,000

8. Palm Pay POS Charges List

palmpay pos machine price in Nigeria

Palmpay POS Machine Charges. 0.4%-0.5% for every withdrawal. So that’s N5 for every N1000 you transact.

N10 for bank transfer of any amount. Utility bill payments are for free, you have the liberty to charge your customers anything you want.

9. Paga POS Charges

  • For withdrawals between N1 Naira – and N20,000 Naira Paga charges only 0.55% of the transaction amount. This is N5.5 for every N1000.
  • For transactions between N20,000 Naira – and N100,000 Naira, You’ll get charged N100.
  • For Transactions above N100,000 Naira, the charge is N150
  • You’ll get charged N30 Naira for every deposit made with the Paga POS.
  • Commissions for Data top-ups and utility bill payments are as low as 0.5% to as high as 2.8%.

10. Quickteller POS Charges

  • Quickteller POS charges N152.5 for every withdrawal. You get N50 from this transaction.
  • For transfers of N100 Naira – N10,000 Naira, they charge N100. As a Quickteller POS agent, you get N50 for this transaction.
  • For transfers of N10,000 and above, the charge is N150. The agent gets N75 for this transaction.

Which POS has the Cheapest charges in Nigeria?

The Bankly POS machine has the cheapest POS charges in Nigeria right now with cheap charges of  0.3% on POS withdrawals and a flat rate of N35 on all transfers on its POS.

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