How to Make Money on Amazon in Nigeria

how to make money on amazon in nigeria

last Updated on October 23, 2023

Amazon, the world’s biggest online store, isn’t just about shopping. It’s also a place where you can make money. This guide is all about showing you how to make money on Amazon in Nigeria.

Don’t think Amazon is only for folks in the United States. It’s for people worldwide who want to sell their stuff or start their own business.

So, if you’ve been thinking about how to make money on Amazon in Nigeria, you’re in the right place. We’re about to spill the beans on how to get started.

How to Make Money on Amazon in Nigeria

You can make money on Amazon in Nigeria through the following ways:

1. Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon associates

The Amazon Affiliate Program, also known as Amazon Associates, is a popular and accessible way for individuals and website owners to make money on Amazon by promoting products and earning a commission on sales made through their affiliate links. 

It is one of the oldest and most well-established affiliate marketing programs globally. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how the Amazon Affiliate Program works:

  1. Join the Amazon Associates Program. To become an Amazon affiliate, visit the Amazon Associates website and sign up for a free account. You will need to provide information about your website or app, how you plan to drive traffic and promote Amazon products, and your preferred payment method.
  2. Choose Products to Promote. Once approved as an affiliate, you can access the Amazon product catalogue and choose from millions of products to promote. Select products that align with your website’s niche or content, as this will likely resonate with your audience and lead to higher conversion rates.
  3. Get Affiliate Links. After selecting the products, you’ll receive unique affiliate links (also known as tracking IDs) for each product. These links contain your affiliate ID, which tracks the sales made through your referrals.
  4. Promote Products. There are various ways to promote Amazon products using your affiliate links like; Displaying product links and banners on your website or blog, Writing product reviews and including affiliate links within the content, and Sharing affiliate links on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, Sending affiliate links through email newsletters to your subscribers. and Utilizing YouTube videos to showcase and review products, with affiliate links in the description.
  5. Earn Commissions. When a user clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase within 24 hours (in some regions, it’s 30 days) of clicking your link, you earn a commission on the entire purchase, not just the product you initially promoted. The commission rates vary depending on the product category, but they typically range from 1% to 10% of the product’s price.

Checkout: How to Make Money Online in Nigeria

Amazon Associate Operating Agreement & Amazon’s Advertising Policies

It’s essential to read and understand Amazon’s Associate Operating Agreement, as it outlines the terms and conditions you must follow as an affiliate. Violating these terms could result in termination from the program.

Amazon has strict policies regarding how affiliates can advertise and promote their affiliate links. Be sure to comply with these policies to maintain your affiliate account in good standing.

Analyze Performance and Optimize

Use the Amazon Associates dashboard to track your performance, and analyze click-through rates, conversion rates, and commissions earned. Use this data to optimize your affiliate marketing strategies and focus on products that generate the most revenue.

2. Private Labelling and Selling on Amazon

Private labelling involves selling products on Amazon under your brand name. This method requires more investment and effort than affiliate marketing, but it can be highly profitable in the long run. 

The process typically involves finding a niche or product with high demand, sourcing suppliers, and branding the products with your label.

To start, conduct thorough market research to identify potential profitable niches or products that resonate with the Nigerian market. Look for products that have good demand, manageable competition, and reasonable profit margins. 

Alibaba and AliExpress are popular platforms for finding suppliers. Once you receive your products, list them on Amazon and optimize your product listings to attract customers.

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3. Buying and Selling on Amazon

Buying and selling Amazon products, commonly known as retail arbitrage, is a legitimate and popular way to make money on Amazon. 

Retail arbitrage involves purchasing products from retail stores or other online marketplaces at a lower price and then reselling them on Amazon at a higher price, thus taking advantage of price disparities and earning a profit in the process. 

Here’s a detailed explanation of how retail arbitrage works:

  1. Research and Product Sourcing. The first step is to research and identify potentially profitable products. Look for products that have a significant price difference between the retail store (or other marketplaces) and Amazon. You can use various tools and apps that help you scan barcodes or search for products on Amazon to compare prices.
  2. Finding Deals and Discounts. Keep an eye out for deals, discounts, clearance sales, and promotions from various retail stores or online platforms. These can be physical stores, online retailers, liquidation sales, thrift stores, and more. Look for products that are in demand and have a good chance of selling quickly on Amazon.
  3. Analyzing Profitability. Before making a purchase, calculate all costs involved, including the purchase price, taxes, shipping fees (if applicable), and Amazon’s fees (seller fees, fulfilment fees if using FBA, etc.). Make sure the potential profit margin justifies the effort and risk.
  4. Creating Amazon Listings. After purchasing the products, create listings on Amazon to offer them for sale. Optimize your product listings with attractive titles, accurate descriptions, high-quality images, and relevant keywords. Pay attention to product categories, as some require approval before listing.
  5. Fulfilment and Shipping. As a retail arbitrage seller, you can choose between two fulfilment methods on Amazon: Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) or Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). With FBM, you handle packing and shipping the orders yourself, while FBA allows Amazon to handle the entire fulfilment process, including storage, packing, and shipping.
  6. Monitoring and Repricing. Regularly monitor your product’s performance, customer feedback, and pricing. Prices on Amazon can fluctuate, so it’s crucial to adjust your prices accordingly to remain competitive. Use pricing tools or software to automate the repricing process when necessary.
  7. Customer Service. Provide excellent customer service to ensure positive feedback and reviews. Address customer inquiries and concerns promptly and professionally. Positive reviews can significantly impact your sales and reputation on Amazon.
  8. Scaling Your Business. Once you become familiar with the process and gain experience, consider scaling your retail arbitrage business by expanding your product offerings and sourcing from multiple suppliers. Establishing relationships with wholesalers or manufacturers can lead to better deals and higher profit margins.

4. Amazon Handmade

If you have creative skills and can craft unique and handmade products, Amazon Handmade is an ideal platform for you to make money on Amazon. 

This marketplace focuses on selling handcrafted goods, providing artisans an opportunity to reach a wider audience. From jewellery and clothing to home décor and personal care items, Handmade offers an array of categories to explore.

Ensure that your products meet Amazon Handmade’s strict guidelines and adhere to high-quality standards. 

Captivating product images and compelling descriptions can significantly impact your sales. Participate in craft fairs and events to network and gain visibility within the crafting community, further boosting your success on Amazon Handmade.

5. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is another fantastic way to make money on Amazon, especially for writers, authors, and content creators. 

Kindle Direct Publishing allows authors to self-publish their books on Amazon’s Kindle platform. This presents an exceptional opportunity for Nigerian writers to share their stories and expertise with a global audience.

Whether you’re into fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or educational material, KDP enables you to reach millions of Kindle users worldwide. 

Here’s how Amazon Kindle Publishing works:

  1. Write and Format Your eBook. The first step is to write your eBook. Whether it’s a novel, a guide, a how-to book, or any other content, ensure that it is well-written, properly edited, and formatted correctly. Kindle readers appreciate well-presented and error-free content.
  2. Create a KDP Account. To publish your eBook, you need to create a Kindle Direct Publishing account. It’s a straightforward process where you’ll provide the necessary information, set up your payment details, and select the territories where you want your eBook to be available for sale.
  3. Set the Price and Enroll in KDP Select. Decide on the price of your eBook. Amazon offers royalty options based on different price ranges. You can choose to enrol your eBook in KDP Select, which makes it exclusive to Amazon for 90 days. In return, your eBook becomes eligible for Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, which can attract more readers.
  4. Design a Compelling Cover. Design an eye-catching eBook cover that reflects the content of your book and attracts potential readers. The cover is often the first thing that catches a reader’s attention, so invest in a professional design or use Amazon’s cover creator tool.
  5. Upload Your eBook. Use KDP’s step-by-step process to upload your eBook file and cover. KDP accepts various eBook formats like MOBI, ePub, and PDF. Preview your eBook to ensure it appears correctly on different Kindle devices.
  6. Choose Keywords and Categories. Select relevant keywords and categories that describe your eBook. These keywords help readers find your book when they search on Amazon. Properly chosen keywords can significantly impact the discoverability of your eBook.
  7. Publish Your eBook. Once you complete all the required steps and review your eBook’s details, click the “Publish Your Kindle eBook” button. Your eBook will go through a review process, usually taking 24-72 hours before it becomes available for sale on the Kindle Store.
  8. Promote Your eBook. After publishing, the real work begins. Promote your eBook through social media, author websites, blogs, email newsletters, and other marketing channels. Encourage readers to leave reviews on Amazon, as positive reviews can boost your eBook’s visibility.
  9. Monitor Sales and Performance. Keep an eye on your eBook’s sales and performance through your KDP dashboard. Amazon provides useful data and insights that can help you refine your marketing strategies and target specific audiences.

What is Amazon?


Amazon is a multinational technology company that started as an online bookstore but has since evolved into one of the world’s largest and most influential e-commerce and technology giants. 

Founded by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994, in his garage in Bellevue, Washington, Amazon’s original focus was on selling books over the Internet.

Over the years, Amazon expanded its product range exponentially, and today, it offers a vast array of goods, including electronics, clothing, home goods, toys, and more. 

Additionally, Amazon has diversified its business with various services and products, including:

  1. Amazon Prime: A subscription service that provides customers with numerous benefits, such as free and fast shipping on eligible items, access to streaming video and music, exclusive deals, and more.
  2. Amazon Web Services (AWS): A cloud computing platform that provides computing power, storage, and various other services to businesses and individuals worldwide. AWS has become a significant revenue generator for Amazon and is widely used across industries.
  3. Kindle: A line of e-readers developed by Amazon that allows users to download, read, and store digital books, magazines, and other publications.
  4. Amazon Studios: The company’s entertainment division that produces and distributes original movies and television series available on Amazon Prime Video.
  5. Amazon Marketplace: A platform that enables third-party sellers to list and sell their products alongside Amazon’s offerings.

Amazon’s success is attributed to its customer-centric approach, offering a wide selection of products, competitive pricing, and convenient delivery options. 

The company’s dedication to innovation and use of cutting-edge technology has further solidified its position as an industry leader.

Amazon offers numerous ways for Nigerians to make money and tap into the vast potential of e-commerce. From affiliate marketing to private labelling, handmade crafts, and self-publishing, there are avenues suitable for various skills and interests.

However, it’s essential to approach these opportunities with dedication, research, and a commitment to providing quality products or content.

Remember that success may not be immediate, but with perseverance and continuous improvement, you can carve a profitable niche for yourself on Amazon in Nigeria. 

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