7 Benefits of Buying MTN Shares in Nigeria (How to Buy MTN Shares)

The Benefits of Buying MTN Shares Scheme & What To Know Before You Purchase MTN Shares

last Updated on August 14, 2023

In this article, you’ll learn about the benefits of buying MTN shares in Nigeria, what the MTN share offer is and how to go about buying MTN shares in Nigeria.

Ever thought about owning a slice of one of Nigeria’s telecom giants? Well, you’re in for a treat because we’re diving into the world of MTN shares. If you’re looking to dip your toes into the exciting waters of stock ownership, you’ve come to the right place.

Imagine being part of a company that’s been at the forefront of Nigeria’s communication revolution. Picture yourself reaping the benefits of not just using their services but also owning a piece of the action. From juicy dividends to the potential for capital growth, buying MTN shares opens up a realm of possibilities.

But wait, there’s more! In this guide, we’ll break it down for you step by step – from how to buy MTN shares to uncovering the hidden perks of being a shareholder. So, if you’re ready to learn how to make your money work for you, fasten your seatbelt and let’s explore the exciting world of MTN shares together!

How Does MTN Share Work? (About MTN Shares Offer)


MTN is a mobile telecommunications company in Nigeria called MTN Nigeria Communications Limited, which is a part of the MTN Group.

MTN Nigeria Communications Limited is a market leader in cellular telecommunications services in Nigeria. MTN Nigeria provides cellular network access and information & communications technologies (ICT) offerings across the country.

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Some of these offerings include Internet services like; video calling, data services for Internet browsing, mobile Internet, and mobile Wi-Fi services. It doesn’t just stop there, MTN Nigeria also offers international roaming services (data roaming, in-flight roaming, and wi-fi roaming services). As well as voice short message service ( Voice and Bulk SMS), fashion and lifestyle tips, mobile television (TV), a mobile newspaper, radio services, backup, conference calls, missed call alert services and more recently mobile money services.

MTN Nigeria Communications Limited was listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange in 2019.

MTN Nigeria announced a public offer for the sale of up to 575 million shares held in MTN Nigeria by MTN Group to retail investors in Nigeria. This MTN share offer was priced at N169.00 per share with a minimum subscription of 20 shares and lots of 20 shares thereafter.

The MTN Share offer opened at 8:00 am on the 1st of December 2021 and closed at 5:00 pm on the 14th of December 2021.

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This MTN Share Offer is aligned with MTN Group’s commitment to reduce its shareholding in MTN Nigeria from 78.8% to 65% over time and allow as many Nigerian retail investors as possible an opportunity to own shares in MTN Nigeria.

In addition, the MTN Share Offer also includes an incentive, where every investor gets 1 free share for every 20 shares purchased, subject to a maximum of 250 free shares per investor.

What are the Benefits of Buying MTN Shares

The benefits of buying MTN shares in Nigeria are many and varied, but among them are:

  1. One of the most obvious benefits of buying MTN shares is that you become a Part-owner of MTN Nigeria. And because it is a disciplined, well-managed and governed company, its market efficiency makes it a great stock to invest in. Mtn Nigeria also has a board of directors that oversees what happens in the company and also ensures MTN Nigeria is providing the profit margins that are expected of it.
  2. A strong history of growth: MTN Nigeria offers the company shareholders both strong dividends and strong company growth. So you get to enjoy growth from dividends with consistent payout as well as stock price growth as one of the benefits of buying MTN shares.
  3. One of the benefits of buying MTN shares is that you can hold it as a long-term investment as MTN doesn’t plan on cutting loose and exiting Nigeria. The company plans to remain in Nigeria for the long term which is why it made a public offer of 575 million shares for sale. MTN Group doesn’t just want to help Nigerians participate in wealth creation to become a company that is one with the Nigerian culture because the company is well-positioned for the long term as a leading operator in telecommunication services as well as financial and digital services.
  4. Another one of the obvious benefits of buying MTN shares is that you get to vote on important company decisions as well.
  5. Incentive
    The offer includes an incentive in the form of 1 free share for every 20 shares purchased, subject to a maximum of 250 free shares per investor. The incentive is open to retail investors who buy and hold the shares allotted to them for at least 12 months, post the allotment date.
  6. Another benefit is that you get to do Real-time dealing during trading days with limited orders available when the markets are closed.
  7. The most significant benefit of buying MTN shares is that you receive dividends either as income or re-invest the dividend income to buy more MTN shares.

How to Buy & Make Money from MTN Shares

You can make money from MTN shares through dividends that the company pays you and also from share price growth as well as selling your MTN share at a profitable price.

Since the recent MTN shares public offer is closed you can purchase MTN shares on stock trading apps in Nigeria like Trove and Chaka.

You can also buy MTN shares via the PrimaryOffer by NGX by visiting the PrimaryOffer website or by downloading the PrimaryOffer app on Android or iOS.

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