Telpecon Grant Disbursement: What is the Latest on Telpecon Grant Disbursement? Scam or Legit?

telpecon grant disbursement - scam or real?

last Updated on August 8, 2023

There are claims that the Telpecon grant is set to disburse Billions of naira to people who joined the program. But what is the real truth about TELPECON?

Is it a legit grant in Nigeria or is it one of the many scams that abound in the country?

In this post, we will look to dissect everything about the TELPECON grant? Whatever we conclude will be left for you to believe or not.

Let’s start with what TELPECON Claims to be.

TELPECON an acronym for “The Less Privileged Empowerment Coordinators Network” claims to be a grant whose mission is to help the poor and less privileged in Nigeria. Especially targeting the poorest of the poor in Nigeria and looking to lift them to a financially stable environment.

TELPECON-grant claims or the people behind it claim that applicants can win up to N5 Million Naira if they are selected for the grant.

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TELPECON which is the Less Privileged Coordinators Network claims to be a consortium of Nigerian NGOs and CBOs (community-based organisation) Initiatives with over 44 million members nationwide.

It claims it is a registered body with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) with registration number CAC/IT/No. 124228 under the Trustees and Allied Matters Act 1990. TELPECON also claims it has an EFCC SCUML Certificate.

While the information on the TELPECON Grant is that it is a grant given free of charge and that no one should be paying anything to apply for the grant since the application for it is free.

Now let’s see about the TELPECON disbursement dates.

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Telpecon Grant Disbursement Update

In this press release an unnamed source who claims to be a TELPECON director claims that TELPECON has more than the sum of $700million in its coffers that is the amount claimed available for disbursement, the source says the real sum of money available for disbursement by the so-called GRANT is N1.814 trillion.

The source goes ahead to break down how over N1.8 trillion came to be: “over N720 billion was donated from Singapore while N794 billion was donated from the USA and N300 billion was donated from Australia.”

The source goes ahead to say that come whatever may, Nigerians are going to get the Grants they applied for.

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Is all this true about the TELPECON grant? Is it legit or it’s just one of the headless scams tearing through this country and people’s hard-earned money?

Let’s find out with some simple fact-checking.

Facts & Updates About TELPECON Scam or Real Grant?

  1. The Less Privileged Empowerment Coordinators Network (TELPECON) claims to be registered with CAC but a simple public search on the CAC website shows no company or business with that name. I’m pretty sure a check for the EFCC certificate will also come up empty.
  2. The supposed grant doesn’t even have a website, a Google search of the company or business shows results of two Facebook pages “TELPECON GRANT DISBURSEMENT” & “TELPECON GRANT & DISBURSEMENT”. A look into both Facebook pages shows that they are both used to disseminate misinformation and disinformation (fake news).
  3. This so-called group of NGOs that formed The Less Privileged Empowerment Coordinators Network (TELPECON) claims to have 44 million members but there is nothing that suggests that this is true.
  4. A Nairaland thread on TELPECON shows that some people even paid to apply for this grant since 2020 but nothing has come of it and we’re now in 2022. Some bad actors even continue to raise people’s hope that the grant will be disbursed soon but by now you should know this is a big scam.

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Conclusion & Latest News on TELPECON Grant Disbursement Update

The latest news on TELPECON Grant is that it is a scam endeavour by certain people to milk others out of their money. If you applied and are still expecting a grant from an organisation without a public face then my friend for your sake I hope God intervenes and helps you come out of your slumber.

TELPECON is not real, you can’t get any grant from it. If you paid for it then your money is gone, if you applied for it without paying them a group of scammers definitely have your personal details and might do something bad with them.

Be on the alert, and always fact-check what people are saying. Any legitimate business will have a legit online presence. If it doesn’t, run away, like you should be running away from This TELPECON Grant of a scam.

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